
Team Building Weekends

In our Yearly Program we include some common weekends when we try to bond and have some fruitful time. So we usually go to a Team Building in the Autumn, skiing in the Winter and running Marathon Radenci in the Spring. Those are happy times guarenteed.

European Voluntary Service – EVS

Our organization will welcome any volunteer, regardless of gender, race or religion, however we do desire that the volunteer is empathetic, sensitive, communicative, persistent, resposible, reliable, creative, and is able to take initative. It is also desired that the volunteer speaks the basics of English, is equipped with rudimentary pedagogical skills. shows intrest in sport activities, and has basic computer skills. The project is open to all people (between ages 18-30), but the emphasis is laid on their motivation and desires for new experiences. More about project:

We also carried out one very successful youth initative where we sent our voluntary co-worker to France via the EVS project. In addition, we also have considerable experience with michellaneous voluntary work as we every year invite people, mainly from the Faculties of Education and Social Work at the University of Ljubljana, or Erasmus students, to do their compulsory practice at our organization.

EVS 2014     EVS 2016

Youth Exchanges

In our group besides the formal education we also use and promote non-formal education, which runs through different projects, such as workshops, summer camps, winter camps, excursions abroad, international exchanges and many more. We are opened for a new international collaborations and also to gain new knowledge and skills on a field of youth work. Our residential care group considers international activities as very important added value and opportunity for learning a new skills. Therefore we are taking part in international exchanges.

The main topic on our exchanges usuallly is education through different sport activities, finding out how to lIve healthy and how to respect nature and contribute personal share in better environmental awareness. This exchange aims provide young people with a framework for a healthy lifestyle by focusing on the benefits of participating in outdoor activities and of choosing ecological way of living. The emphasis of the program usually builds self esteem, acceptance of other people, opens our minds about other cultures, etc. And here is a video that shows atmosphere on an exchange:

Youths can learn not only inside school walls but also by themself being active in doing and discovering world around them. 

